Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Timeless Tuesday: The Letters of Samuel Rutherford

What do godly ministers do, when they are expelled from their pulpits and spend much of their life on the run?

Well, in some respects, they do what they would have done week by week in the ministry: delight themselves daily in Christ, and shepherd Christ's people to do the same.

Part of God's blessing to the church through the difficult circumstances of Samuel Rutherford's life, and the lives of ordinary Presbyterian folk being persecuted in Scotland in the first half of the 17th century is the glimpse of the beauty of Christ that has been preserved in The Letters of Samuel Rutherford.

Writing as a persecuted pastor to persecuted people, Rutherford sets Christ before us so sweetly that as Christians, we are strengthened to endure almost anything "for the joy set before us."

This is one big reason why I've made this book my first selection for "Timeless Tuesdays" in my new reading program. Won't you join me?

I hope that, beginning August 15th, you will start checking back in on for choice morsels selected from these letters. In fact, I hope that you will be reading them along with me!


  1. Rik & I ordered The Letters Of Samuel Rutherford today. So looking forward to share the reading time together. Blessings, Rudy

  2. What a great idea to read it together! God grant you not only to find Christ sweeter and sweeter, but also thereby to enjoy one another more and more in Him!
